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Effects Videos

Beauty Rest - 'Beauty Rest Black'

Reel Efx provided smoke to fill a tunnel including traveling smoke, pyro sparks, hanging chandelier from truss, dropping rubber glass through existing chandelier, 4 ft. electric fan and RE4 fans for blowing large fabric sheets as well as a 3 ft. turntable with brace bar attached and harness for actress to spin on. Reel Efx also made arc air torch sparks in foreground of actress, and mist spray to be shot in the direction of talent.
Art Coordinator: Natalie Groce
Product: Beauty Rest Mattress
Production Company: Caviar
Production Designer: Mark Snelgrove
Date: March, 2014

Reel EFX | 5539 Riverton Avenue | North Hollywood, CA 91601 | Phone: 818.762.1710 | Fax: 818.762.1734
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