Reel EFX has a complete rental department with special effects equipment to meet your needs
Reel EFX has a wide array of effects products for purchase.
Reel EFX has stage space available, with production offices & truck parking.
Still camera array which permits the creation of a variety of visual effects.
Reel EFX owns the patent on man-made tornado
Chicken. Arrived at the Reel Efx doorstep recently. His motives remain unclear.
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Mechanical Effects
Filmed close up intro parts at Reel Stages
When Your Workout is a Joy, It's a Joy to Work Out
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Filmed at Reel Stages in our new stage 2 cyclorama.
Directed By: Kevin Joelson
Scissor Hands Free
Directed By: David Shane
Mechanical Effects
Mechanical Effects
Subway Go PRO for double the protein
Directed By: David Shafei
Mechanical Effects
Shame Shame
Galaxy Buds 2-way Speaker
Directed By: Marco Prestini
This is Your Wake-Up Call
Mechanical Effects
The Cool Ranch Long Form Feat
Directed By: Lance Acord
Facebook Ready to Rock Super Bowl
P&G Presents When we come together
Directed By: Air Castle
GMC Carbon Pro Bed
Halftime Show Progressive Insurance
Billie Eilish Everything I Wanted - Nightmare
Directed By: Bobby Pirate
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Tilted World
Directed By: Bruce StClair
Mechanical Effects
The Replacer
Mechanical Effects
Aflac Isnt Slimy Summer
Mechanical Effects
Shiner Bock - Smoker
Shiner Bock Game Night
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
First Bank - Cleaning the Pool
Mechanical Effects
First Bank - Chosen One
A Surprising Something New is Waiting for You
Cake Season 1 Beautiful Preview
Elements Effects
Rain, water effects. Flying talent
Directed By: Cara Stricker
Dog couch tail
Blood/Props Effects
Camp fire, Knife in windshield, fog
Directed By: Rocky Morton
Geico Stress Balls
Directed By: Steve Ayson
Mechanical Effects
Geico Hibachi Grilling
Directed By: Steve Ayson
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Massage Chairs Reduce Home Buying Stress - GEICO Insurance
Mechanical Effects
Filmed on Reel Stages.
Directed By: Bryan Buckley
Mechanical Effects
Elements Effects
Rain Effects
Directed By: Bruno Aveillan
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Drea Cooper
Directed By: Renny Maslow
Fire/Pyro Effects
Mechanical Effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Directed By: Casey Storm
Elements Effects
Directed By: Perlorian Brothers
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Bjorn Ruhmann
Fire/Pyro Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Directed By: Adam Berg
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Flying/Rigging Effects
Game of Thrones season premiere date release
Directed By: Grant Heslov
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Faux Oil, Pyro
Directed By: Alex Zakrzewski
Elements Effects
Directed By: We Are From LA
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Elements Effects
Directed By: Eben Mears
Directed By: Eben Mears
Directed By: Eben Mears
Turbo Tax Treadmill
Directed By: Ivan Zacharias
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Antoine Fuqua
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Directed By: Lucy Tcherniak
Elements Effects
Audi Drive Progress
Directed By: Eric Joiner
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Ivan Zacharias
Michelob Ultra - Balanced Bar
Elements Effects
Directed By: Wally Pfister
Elements Effects
Mechanical Effects
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Hal Kirkland
Fire/Pyro Effects
Directed By: Paul Mitchell & Andrew Proctor
Final Effect: Multicam
Directed By: Oliver Gondry
Multicam Effects
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Directed By: Raf Wathion
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Rigging, Pyro
Final Effect: Smoke, Pyro, Rigging, Fabrication
Directed By: Augustus Punch
Final Effect: Pyro
Directed By: Paul Schneider
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Pyro, Smoke, Wind, Elements
Final Effect: Sparks, Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Wind, Smoke, FIre
Directed By: Max Malkin
Final Effect; Pyro, Air
Directed By: Sam Bayer
Final Effect; Fire , Pyro, Smoke
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Snow, Rain
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Rigging, Fabrication, Smoke, Winch
Directed By: Adam Berg
Final Effect: Stage Rental
Directed By: Jim Matlosz
Final Effect: Pyro, Snow
Final Effect: Air, Hero Pour
Final Effect: Prop
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Pyro
Directed By: Nick Spooner
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Rigging
Directed By: Martin Granger
Final Effect: Rain
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Riggin, Winch
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Kuka Robot
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Flames, Pyro
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Air Mover - Confetti
Final Effect: Chest Harness, Spinning Rig
Directed By: Martin Granger
Final Effect: Chest Harness
Final Effect: Fabrication, Windshield Camera Prop
Final Effect: Mechanical Controlled Closet
Mechanical Effects
Multicam Effects
Directed By: Terri Timely
Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Daniels
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Multicam 60 Cameras
Multicam Effects
Final Effect: Motorcycle Gimbal
Directed By: Jake Scott
Final Effect: Fog
Directed By: Javier Aguilera
Final Effect: Pyro, Rigging
Directed By: Peter Martin
Final Effect: Snow
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Fabrication, Rigging
Directed By: Dante Ariola
Flying/Rigging Effects
Directed By: We Are From LA
Fire/Pyro Effects
Superbowl 50 Halftime Show - RE2 Fans
Final Effect: Fire, Steam, Water
Directed By: Chris Sargent
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Smoke - Shot at Reel Efx Stages
Directed By: Anrick Bregman
Final Effect: Rigging, Pyro
Behind The Scenes: Final Effect: Smoke - Shot at Reel Efx Stages
Directed By: Anrick Bregman
Final Effect: Mechanical Fabricated Jackhammer Stand
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Rigging
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Atmosphere, Practical Effects
Final Effect: Fog, Air, Bio Snow
Final Effect: Wind, Rigging, Fabrication
Final Effect: Rigging , Fabrication
Flying/Rigging Effects
Reel Efx suspended Props including vehicles
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Fabrication, Dry Ice
Directed By: Baker Smith
Final Effect: Fabrication, Steam, Dry Ice
Directed By: Baker Smith
Final Effect: Steam, Fabrication, Dry Ice
Directed By: Baker Smith
Final Effect: Mechanical, Rigging, Smoke
Directed By: Ben and Dave
Final Effect: Pyro
Final Effect: Multicam
Multicam Effects
Final Effect: Air Mortar, Rain Tower
Directed By: Christian Bevilacqua
Final Effect: Smoke, Water
Final Effect: Fabrication
Directed By: The Cronenweths
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Servo Motors
Final Effect: RE-4 Fan
Final Effect: Steam, Fog, Water
Directed By: Paul Tolton
Final Effect: Pneumatic and Servo
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Winch, Mechanical
Directed By: Zack Merck
Elements Effects
Final Effect: Fabrication
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Pyro, Fabrication
Final Effect: Wind, Smoke, Pyro
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effet: Puppeteer
Reel Efx provided a 20’ Turntable for a vehicle, 50’ traveling fly bar on truss legs and a gradal to to fly a motorcycle with talent and flew a rainbow, a boy, boat, and other items.
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Flame, Smoke, Pyro
Directed By: Sam Bayer
Final Effect: Truss, Gradal, Rigging, Flying
Directed By: Tom Dieguez
Final Effect: Flying , Rigging, Air
Directed By: David Mellor and Murray Butler
Final Effect: Fabrication, Prop
Directed By: Chris hooper
Flying/Rigging Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Multicam
Directed By: Tony Liu
Multicam Effects
Final Effect: Pressure Pot Rigging
Final Effect: Rigging
Directed By: Adam and Dave
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Pyro, Smoke
Directed By: Christian Weber
Final Effect: Prop, Fabrication
Final Effect: Rigging
Directed By: Steven Tsuchida
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Pneumatic Breaker
Directed By: Jonathan Herman
Final Effect: Steam, Fire, Smoke, Liquid, Spider Web
Directed By: Paul Mitchell
Final Effect: Rain, Smoke
Directed By: Amaud Uyttenhove
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Holi Powder. Air Mortar
Final Effect: Fabricate, Rigging. Motion Controlled axis
Directed By: Raf Wathion
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Haze, Pyro
Directed By: Sam Bayer
Final Effect: Elements
Directed By: Paul O Shea
Elements Effects
Final Effect: Air Mortar, Confetti
Directed By: Zach Smith
Final Effect: Traveling Rain Rig
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Water Effect
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Fire, Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Element, Kuka Arm
Elements Effects
Final Effect: Air Mortar, Smoke, Pyro
Directed By: Jeff Darling
Final Effect: Mechanical Bed Shaker
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Fabrication
Directed By: Jeff Darling
Mechanical Effects
Final Effect: Puppeteer
Directed By: Dante Ariola
Final Effect: Fabrication, Winch System
Final Effect: Rigging, Pyro, Trip Release
Final Effect: Rigging
Final Effect: Flame
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Rigging/Mechanical
Final Effect: Rigging
Directed By: Brendan Gibbons
Final Effect: Car Wash Rig, Mist Bar, Fan
Final Spot: Rigging, Gimble, Winch, Pyro
Directed By: Fredrik Bond
Final Spot: Rigging, Gimbal
Directed By: Ben West
Final Effect: Elements, Cloud Tank
Directed By: Johnny Hardstaff
Elements Effects
Final Product: Rigging
Directed By: Zach Math
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging
Directed By: James Frost
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Spot: Rigging, Mechanical, Fabrication
Directed By: Ivan Bird
Final Spot: Rigging, Mechanical, Fabrication
Directed By: Ivan Bird
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Prop and Icing creation
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging, Mechanical
Directed By: Flip Engstrom
Final Effect: Mist
Final Effect: Rigging, Pendulum
Directed By: Brent Jones
Final Effect: Endless Road, Rigging
Final Effect: Snow, Winch, Banner, Gradal, Rigging, Endless Road
Final Effect: Snow Dressing
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Effect: Flying, Rigging
Directed By: Todd Field
Elements Effects
Final Product: Water, Air, Sparks, Pyro
Directed By: Cameron Cone
Final Product: Wind, Smoke, Rain
Directed By: martin Werner
Final Product: Moving Items, Rigging Props
Final Product: Moving Items, Rigging Props
Final Effect: Haze, Fog
Directed By: Steve Rogers
Final Effect: Smoke, Rigging.
Final Product: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging
Directed By: Guy Shelmerdine
Final Product: Wind.
Directed By: Max Malkin
Final Effect: Water Element, Rigging, Pyro
Directed By: Laurence Dunmore
Final Product: Water, Atmospheric Haze
Final Product: Wind, Pyro, Rigging, Grinder Sparks.
Directed By: Max Malcom
Final Product: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Elements
Final Product: Elements
Elements Effects
Final Product: Elements
Elements Effects
Final Product: Elements
Elements Effects
Final Product: Elements
Elements Effects
Final Product: Elements
Elements Effects
Fina Product: Wind, Elements.
Directed By: Spencer Susser
Final Product: Rigging, Elements.
Directed By: Dante Ariola
Final Product: Wind, Rigging.
Final Product: Rain
Directed By: Bob Stevens
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Pyro, Water, Rigging.
Directed By: Jordan Brady
Final Products: Pyro, elements, Smoke Effects
Final Product - Pyro
Directed By: Joerg Zuber
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product - Trench plate Deck for vehicle
Directed By: Jake Kovnat
Final Product - Pyro.
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Pyro
Directed By: Ruben Fleischer
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Spot. Winch, Harness.
Directed By: Ryan Ebner
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Fire and Rigging
Directed By: Gary Freedman
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Sean Meehan
Final Spot: Water balloons, smoke effect.
Directed By: Nick Jasenovec
Final Product: Fluid Elements
Directed By: Adam Hashemi
Elements Effects
Directed By: Seth MacFarlane
Multicam Effects
Honda Summer Clearance Event
Directed By: Fred Savage
Mechanical Effects
Honda Summer Clearance Event
Directed By: Fred Savage
Mechanical Effects
Honda Summer Clearance Event
Directed By: Fred Savage
Mechanical Effects
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Sean Meehan
Final Products: Props, Rigging, and Smoke Effects
Directed By: Angus Wall
Final Products: 16 Foot Turntable
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Products: Air, Water and Rigging Effects
Final Products: Rigging, Props, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Zach Math
Final Products: Pyro, Rigging, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Adam Cameron
Final Products: Air, Water, and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Adam Cameron
Final Products: Smoke, Fire/Pyro, and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Diederick Koopal
Final Products: Flying and Steam Effects
Final Products: Wind, Rigging, and Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effects: Wind, Rigging, and Rain Effects
Directed By: Oeter Thwaites
Final Products: Wind, Rigging, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Spike Lee
Final Products: Wind, Water, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Murray Butler
Final Products: Rigging, Mechanical, and Prop Effects
Directed By: Markus Walter
Final Products: Fire and Fog Effects
Final Products: Smoke and Mist Effects
Directed By: Far Wathion
Final Products: Elements, Mechanical, and Cloud Tank Effects
Directed By: Rama Allen & Jonathan Bregel
Behind the scenes of Duralast
Directed By: James Mangold
Final Products: Rigging, Fire, Winch, Mechanical and Wind Effects
Directed By: James Mangold
Final Products: Pyro Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Products: Smoke and Rigging Effects
Final Products: Wind, Mechanical, and Rigging Effects
Final Products" Pyro and Wind Effects
Directed By: David Gordon Green
Final Products: Rigging, Pyro, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: McG
Element Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Elements Effects
Element Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Elements Effects
Element effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Elements Effects
Element effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Elements Effects
Final Products: Element Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Elements Effects
Final Product: Fog Effects
Directed By: Peter Berg
Final Product: Pyro Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Products: Smoke and Prop Breaking Effects
Directed By: Robert Logevall
Final Products: Rain, Fog, Smoke Effects
Directed By: Alex Feil
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Harry Cocciolo
Final Products: Fire Effects
Directed By: Patrick Sherman
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Products: Smoke, Elements, and Dust Effects
Directed By: Junji Kojima
Final Products: Smoke, Elements, and Dust Effects
Directed By: Junji Kojima
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Final Products: Rigging, Smoke, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Barry Sonenfield
Final Products: Rigging, Smoke, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Barry Sonenfeld
Final Products: Rigging, Mechanical and Props Effects
Final Products: Fire, Rigging, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Harry Cocciolo
Final Products: Digital Multicam, Water and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Tim Richardson
Final Products: Smoke, Pyro, and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Hank Perlman
Final Product: Snow Effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Fire Place Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Snow, Pyro, Rigging, Smoke, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Whitey McConnaughy
Snow, Pyro, Rigging, Smoke, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Whitey McConnaughy
Final Products: Snow, Rigging, Smoke, Pyro, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Whitey McConnaughy
Final Products: Snow, Pyro, Rigging, Smoke, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Whitey McConnaughy
Final Products: Smoke Effects
Directed By: Markus Walter
Rain Effects
Directed By: Filip Engstrom
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Products: Smoke and Water Effects
Final Products: Smoke, Prop and Water Effects
Rain Effects
Directed By: David Frankham
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Products: Rigging and Pyro Effects
Rigging, Mechanical, Smoke, and Wind Effects
Digital Multicam Effect
Directed By: Ruben Fleischer
Multicam Effects
Digital Multicam Effect
Directed By: Ruben Fleishcer
Multicam Effects
Digital Multicam Effects
Directed By: Ruebn Fleischer
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effect
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Products: Rigging and Air Effects
Directed By: Terry Richardson
Final Products: Pyro Effect
Directed By: Jeff Tomsic
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rain Effect
Directed By: Ruben Fleischer
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Smoke Effect
Directed By: 081301
Reel Efx Reel
Rigging, Mechanical, and Puppeteering Effects
Directed By: Martin Desmond Roe
Final Products: Rain Effect
Directed By: Geordie Stephens
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Smoke Effects
Final Product: Snow Effects
Directed By: Marcus Nispel
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Final Products: Puppeteering, Rigging, Smoke, and Prop Effects
Directed By: Paul Hunter
Final Product: Rigging, Puppeteering, Smoke and Prop Effects
Directed By: Paul Hunter
Final Product: Pyro Effect
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Products: Prop, Rigging, and Smoke Effects
Final Products: Rigging, Props, and Smoke Effects
Final Products: Air, Snow, and Haze Effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Final Product: Pyro Effects
Directed By: Steve Anderson
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Mechanical, Rigging, Water, and Cloud Tank Effects
Directed By: Martin De Thurah
Final Product: Mechanical, Rigging, Water, and Cloud Tank Effects
Directed By: Martin De Thurah
Final Products: Multicam Effects
Directed By: Michel Gondry
Multicam Effects
Final Products: Multicam and Air Bag Effects
Directed By: Michel Gondry
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rain Effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Products: Mechanical and Rigging Effects
Directed By: McGarry Bowen & Adam Levite
Final Product: Mechanical, Rigging, Water, and Cloud Tank Effects
Directed By: Martin De Thurah
Final Products: Snow and Wind Effects
Directed By: Guard Brothers
Final Products: Fire and Rain Effects
Directed By: Hank Perlman
Final Products: Rain and Prop Effects
Directed By: Graham Sherrington
Final Products: Mechanical, Prop, and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Graham Sherrington
Final Product: Prop, Rigging, and Air/Fog Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Shillick
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Andrew Bruntel
Final Products: Fog Effects
Final Products: Water, Rigging, and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Graham Sherrington
Final Product: Mechanical and Rigging Effect
Directed By: Graham Sherrington
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Final Products: Rigging and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Final Products: Rain and Air Effects
Final Product: Air and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Christian Bevilacqua
Final Products: Rigging Effect
Directed By: Phil Joanou
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Smoke/Haze Effect
Directed By: Pucho Mentasti
Final Products: Air, Rigging, and Prop Effects
Directed By: Filip Engstrom
Final Product: Fire Effects
Directed By: Dave Merhar
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Products: Pyro, Rigging and Water Effects
Directed By: The Cronenweths
Final Product: Wind Effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Plansker
Final Product: Rain Effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Plansker
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Plansker
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Products: Mechanical and Element Effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Plansker
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Zach Math
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Products: Fire and Heating Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Pyro and Flying/Rigging Effects
Directed By: Gary Freedman
Final Product: Bird Poop Effects
Directed By: Gary Freedman
Blood/Props Effects
Final Product: Air and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Mike MaGuire
Final Product: Fire and Water Effects
Final Product: Flying/Rigging and Air Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and Rigging Effects
Directed By: Adam Hashemi
Final Products: Pyro and Rain Effects
Directed By: Peter Berg
Final Products: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Ryan Ebner
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Ryan Ebner
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and Prop Effects
Directed By: Stylewar
Atmospheric smoke, water and wind effects
Directed By: David Fincher
Final Product: Pyro and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Malcom Venville
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: The Cronenweths
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Air and Smoke Effects
Directed By: Brendan Gibbons
Final Product: Prop, Smoke, and Pyro Effects
Directed By: Perlorian Brothers
Final Product: Rigging Effect
Directed By: Perlorian Brothers
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Pyro Effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Mechanical Effect
Directed By: Erich Joiner
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Erich Joiner
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Mechanical Effect
Directed By: Erich Joiner
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effect
Directed By: Erich Joiner
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Mechanical Effect
Directed By: Phil Morrison & Joe Ventura
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rigging and Air Effects
Directed By: Phil Morrison & Joe Ventura
Final Product: Fire and smoke effects
Directed By: Peter Berg
Final Product: Flying/Rigging Effects
Directed By: Paul Weiland
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Mechanical Effects
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Pyro Effects
Directed By: Stylewar
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging, element, and pyro effects
Directed By: Hamish Rothwell
Final Product: Smoke, rigging, and fire effects
Final Product: Rigging and pyro effects
Directed By: Fred Savage
Final Product: Rigging and Pyro Effects
Directed By: Chris Smith
Final Product: Element effects
Directed By: Jake Scott
Cloud Tank Effects
Final Product: Puppeteer, rigging, smoke, and wind effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Rigging and puppeteer effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Flying and rigging effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging and prop effects
Directed By: Chris Smith
Final Products: Pyro Effects
Directed By: Tony Kaye
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Digital Multicam
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Smoke and water effects
Directed By: Norren Niven
Final Product: Rigging, pyro, and prop effects
Directed By: Stacy Wall
Final Product: Pyro, props, mechanical
Directed By: Stacy Wall
Final Product: Prop effects
Blood/Props Effects
Final Product: Fire and smoke effects
Directed By: Erich Joiner
Final Product: Multicam effects
Directed By: Neville Wakefield
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Element effects
Directed By: Stylewar
Elements Effects
Final Product: Snow effects
Directed By: Jonas Akerlund
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Rigging, smoke, fire, and rain effects
Directed By: Christopher Riggert
Final Product: Pyro effects
Directed By: Christopher Riggert
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rain effects
Directed By: AG Rojas
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Juergen Bollmeyer
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Flying, wind, and smoke effects
Final Product: Rain effects
Directed By: Joel Pront
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Puppeteer and element effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Fire and smoke effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Puppeteer, rigging, smoke, and element effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Puppeteer, wind, and snow effects
Directed By: Brad Silberling
Final Product: Air, smoke, and element effects
Final Product: Mechanical and rigging effects
Directed By: Hoffman Brothers
Final Product: Pyro and element effects
Directed By: Melina Matsoukas
Final Product: Air and Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Nico Beyer
Final Product: Smoke, steam, wind, and pyro effects
Directed By: Jon Favreau
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: Pekka Hara
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Smoke effects
Final Product: Pyro and mechanical effects
Final Product: Mechanical, blood, and flying effects
Directed By: Dave Meyers
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Jared Hess
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Pyro effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and prop effects
Final Product: Pyro, rain, and wind effects
Final Product: Element and pyro effects
Final Product: Element, prop, and rigging effects
Directed By: Carl Erik Rinsch
Final Product: Prop, air, and element effects
Directed By: Carl Erik Rinsch
Final Product: Multicam, Water, Wind, Steam, Smoke, and Pyro effects
Final Product: Pyro, smoke, steam, and wind effects
Directed By: David Rosenbaum
Final Product: Rain and wind effects
Directed By: Josh & Xander
Final Product: Pyro and prop effects
Directed By: Tom Stern
Final Product: Rigging and pyro effects
Directed By: Christopher Riggert
Final Product: Pyro effects
Directed By: Christopher Riggert
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Air and wind effects
Directed By: Guy Shelmerdine
Final Product: Pyro effects
Directed By: Stacy Wall
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: Bruce St. Clair
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging, fire, and smoke effects
Directed By: Dante Ariola
Final Product: Smoke effects
Directed By: Jared Hess
Final Product: Fire effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Multicam effects
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Mechanical Effects
Mutlicam Reel
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Fire and element effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rain effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Wind, water, and mechanical effects
Directed By: Stylewar
Final Product: Element effects
Elements Effects
Final Product: Air effects
Directed By: Augustus Punch
Final Product: Air effects
Directed By: Augustus Punch
Final Product: Rain effects
Directed By: Nico & Martin
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Brett Simon
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rain effects
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and element effects
Directed By: David Kellogg
Final Product: Smoke and mechanical effects
Directed By: Mark Romanek
Final Product: Smoke, fire, and pyro effects
Directed By: Dave Meyers
Final Product: Element effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Martin
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Martin
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Flying effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Martin
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Prop effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Martin
Blood/Props Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Jeffrey Martin
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Rain, wind, rigging, and prop effects
Directed By: Omri Cohen
Final Product: Mechanical and pyro effects
Directed By: Filip Engstrom
Final Product: Prop effects
Directed By: Ericson Core
Blood/Props Effects
Final Product: Prop effects
Directed By: Juergen Bollmeyer
Blood/Props Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Juergen Bollmeyer
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Pyro and rigging effects
Directed By: Wayne McClammy
Final Product: Pyro and element effects
Directed By: Nieto
Final Product: Pyro and element effects
Directed By: Nieto
Final Product: Rigging, water, and mechanical effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Final Product: Smoke and element effects
Final Product: Mechanical and air effects
Directed By: Dave Meyers
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Jonathan Notaro / Robert Bisi
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Jonathan Notaro / Robert Bisi
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and element effects
Directed By: Jonathan Notaro / Robert Bisi
Final Product: Steam and smoke effects
Directed By: Tom Kuntz
Final Product: Pyro and wind effects
Directed By: Tom Kuntz
Final Product: Rigging effects
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Pyro effects
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Snow effects
Directed By: Mark Romanek
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Flying and rigging effects
Directed By: Joseph Kahn
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Rigging, pyro, and steam effects
Directed By: STYLEWAR - Oskar Holmedal
Final Product: Rain, air, and smoke effects
Directed By: Fredrik Bond
Final Product: Rain effects
Directed By: Wally Pfister
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Air and prop effects
Directed By: TWiN
Final Product: Snow effects
Directed By: Lance Acord
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Fire and prop effects
Directed By: Trevor Shepard
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Reny Maslow
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Water effects
Directed By: Ian Dunn
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Multicam
Directed By: Glenn Martin
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Air and smoke effects
Directed By: Todd Phillips
Final Product: Air effects
Directed By: Alison Maclean
Final Product: Smoke effects
Directed By: Steven Antin
Final Product: Wind and rigging effects
Directed By: Enrique Begne
Final Product: Fire and flying effects
Directed By: Matthijs Van Heijningen
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Phil Joanou
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Mechanical and prop effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Fire effects
Directed By: Sanji Senaka
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Air effects
Directed By: Alex Feil
Final Product: Rigging, pyro, and air effects
Directed By: Lynn Fox
Final Product: Rain, wind, fire, and steam effects
Directed By: Filip Tellander
Final Product: Wind and smoke effects
Directed By: Filip Tellander
Final Product: Multicam and snow effects
Directed By: Brett Foraker
Final Product: Multicam and rain effects
Directed By: Brett Foraker
Final Product: Rigging and flying effects
Directed By: Fred Savage
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Element effects
Elements Effects
Final Product: Snow, smoke, and fire effects
Directed By: Speck/Gordon
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: David Kellogg
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Snow effects
Directed By: Eidur Snorri
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Final Product: Pyro effects
Directed By: Salmon
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging effects
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Air, rigging, and water effects
Directed By: Laurent Ledru
Final Product: Flying and mechanical effects
Directed By: Dave Meyers
Final Product: Rigging, wind, and element effects
Directed By: Mark Romanek
Final Product: Rain, pyro, wind, and prop effects
Directed By: Christian Loubek
Final Product: Mechanical and element effects
Directed By: Laurent Ledru
Final Product: Element effects
Elements Effects
Final Product: Multicam effects
Directed By: Reel Efx
Multicam Effects
Made a rig to move and support an actresses arm while this spot was shot with real time timelapse photography. One frame was snapped every minute over the course of 8 hours
Mechanical Effects
Final Products: Smoke, Elements, and Dust Effects
Directed By: Junji Kojima
Final Products: Rigging, Fire, Winch, Mechanical and Wind Effects
Directed By: James Mangold
Final Spot: Rigging, Mechanical, Fabrication
Directed By: Ivan Bird
Final Effect: Rigging, Pyro
Final Product: Wind, Rigging, and Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Effect: Pyro
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Mechanical effects
Directed By: Jonathan Notaro / Robert Bisi
Mechanical Effects
Final Products: Smoke and Mist Effects
Directed By: Far Wathion
Final Product: Multicam effects
Multicam Effects
Final Product: Winch Mechanical Effects
Directed By: Jim Matlosz
Mechanical Effects
Final Product: Pyro Effects
Directed By: Steve Anderson
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Fire Effect
Fire/Pyro Effects
Final Product: Rigging Effects
Directed By: Shillick
Flying/Rigging Effects
Final Product: Air effects
Directed By: Augustus Punch
Final Product: Fire and flying effects
Directed By: Matthijs Van Heijningen